Monday, April 16, 2012

جعدش: جمهوريات عربية ديمقراطية شعبية

من اجل جعدش : جمهوريات عربية ديمقراطية شعبية ضروري يَنْقٰعْ: يسقط نظام القبيلة و العسكر    دك القصر يا يمن.  دك القصر يا يمني دك القصر يا عربي.  دوكوا القصور من اليمن.  ثبوا الاسود في نحر ذاك اخت لنا بالأمس تنتشلوا وأخ لنا في الزنزانة لكم رحب و ولد في الحجاز يحترق ثبوا أنتم الايمان في الامم صعدة احرقها دجال مهر و اكبادنا في عدن تنتحروا قرطاج لنا لهب  و مصر أمنا العذب هيا سرت هلموا النصب  دكوا القصور بأيديكم لترتطموا ومن اشلاء كم اشبالكم تمجدكم و تلتحموا و احفادكم هم الملاك في غدو  وعز تبتسم في وطن يحيا حر سعيد عادل  بكم  الله اكبر ! الله اكبر ! الله اكبر !  اشهد ان لا اله الا الله ، و اشهد ان محمدا رسول الله  يحيا الشعب العربي  تحيا الثورات  من اجل جمهورية يمنية ديمقراطية شعبية (جيدش) جمهورية تونسية ديمقراطية شعبية (جتدش) جمهورية ليبية ديمقراطية شعبية (جلدش) جمهورية مصرية ديمقراطية شعبية (جمدش) جمهوريات عربية ديمقراطية شعبية (جعدش)  ارفع راسك أيها اليمني ارفع راسك أيها العربي الى الامام سر  نحو النجم اليماني ... ابعد نجم خلف الشمس  يسقط نظام الاسرة الملكي  يسقط نظام القبيلة و العسكر  يسقط نظام الاستعمار العالمي الجديد هنا اليمن  لا ملكية ، ولا قبلية ولا عسكرية بعد اليوم  بل وطن قومي شعبي ديمقراطي حر عادل سعيد   الحل الوحيد: - جعدش الجمهوريات العربية الديمقراطية الشعبية  اقليم الجزيرة العربية حيثما تربو مكة و المدينة تفضلا في اقليم جمهورية عربية ديمقراطية شعبية تحكمه الشريعة الاسلامية. وهذه دار الدين جعدشا: جمهورية عربية ديمقراطية شعبية اسلامية .  و الأقاليم الباقية في الشام و العراق ومصر و بلاد المغرب العربي جمهوريات عربية ديمقراطية شعبية تحكمه دول علمانية. وهذه دار الدنيا جعدش:  جمهوريات عربية ديمقراطية شعبية.  تلكما جعدشا لمن أراد الدين.  و تلكما جعدش لمن أراد الدنيا.  و تلكما جعدشا و جعدش كليهما لمن أراد الدين و الدنيا معا.  معاذ الله ! نصر من الله ! و فتح قريب !  

Friday, June 5, 2009

كوميديا الزعيم: لسان حال من يزعم الزعامة

شعبي مهلوس، وانا حنش بيرقص
خلونا والدوشة ، خلونا نزبج
بعدن ومارب ما تعس لان قد تعز في الجيب والحديده ردمة
قال مارب
امي والعزاء ببير العزب مشرب

قلنا خزنوا فماهو هو ذا نا مخزن
والولد وابن الولد والشعب مخزن
قع حنش ياحمد بين الثعابين

عبده قال عبده
قلنا خروا
لكن فاجني
تفلسفوا تفلسفوا

عاد الجرعة بالخلف مهستر
واللي عد يقول اح
عد نورية

ابو العز لها وابوها

قال القبيلي

فا مه

القبيلي ؟ ما فعله ؟

القبيلي ماهو

القبيلي مكسب ومعزب

البسه واطرحه كيف ما اشتيك
شعبي ! قلنا اسمع

العساكر هم حقي

والقبيلي خضعي قشواش بنية

اما لمن قال انا ؟
فهذا هو الميدان فسح واحنا عد نبسر

ان قد هي التايمز بتنشر لنا واخرج المريكاني يكركر اسيادة
قال ما قال علي بو زيد

هيا ضحكوا ضحكوا
ضحكوا ان وهي ضحكه

والا قلنا ازبجوا
وازبجوا والبجوا

والا لكن فلا

كم عد نجز

هذا مشروعي نا بو احمد
يا ثعابين !!!
واللي معه مشروع

احنا احق به

عادانتوا !؟؟؟

عندما يدعو المواطن في الشمال او الجنوب للانفصال

عندما يدعو المواطن للانفصال
يدعو الى الانفصال من حكم العسكري
يدعو الى الانفصال من حكم القبلي
يدعو الى الانفصال من حكم الاحساب
يدعو الى الانفصال من حكم الانساب

يدعو الى الانفصال من حكم طاغوت
النفى، والنكران للحق
يدعو الى الانفصال من المرواغة والكذب
يدعو الى الانفصال من الجهاة الاعصاب
يدعو الى الانفصال من ظلم ومداهنة ونفاق الحكام والبيروقراط

عندما يدعو المواطن في الشمال او الجنوب للانفصال
يدعو الى الانفصال من مشترك الدجل والخوف والهلع والتشرذم
يدعو الى الانفصال من اغتصاب الشيخ للخبز والعسكري والتاجر للارض

عندما يدعو المواطن في الشمال او الجنوب للانفصال
يدعو الى الانفصال من استغلال وتامر الاحتكار

عندما يدعو المواطن في الشمال او الجنوب للانفصال
يدعو الشعب الى الانفجار
يدعو اخوه، واخته، وامه واباه لمواجهة الظلم وهو في الاوكار

عندما يدعو المواطن في الشمال او الجنوب للانفصال
فهو يدعو الى الانصهار
يدعو الى الانصهار ممن يتربعون فوق قوت وطاقات وعقائد من يولدون
ويعيشون ويقاسون وهم في نعام الاظفار

عندما يدعو المواطن في الشمال والجنوب للانفصال
يدعو الى الثار ممن يدعوه وشعبه الى ان يشرب من الابحار
يدعو الى الثار ممن تسول له نفسه بان يقمعه ويبيده ويقيده ويسجنه ويجوعه
ويحرمه من وعى الكرامة والافكار

عندما يدعو المواطن في الشمال او الجنوب للانفصال
فهو يدعو الى المواخاة من الاوتار
لا من القمم الزائفة الانوار
ولا من رمم زعماء لقاءات الاحوار

لا و خمسة وعشرون مليون لا
عندما يدعو المواطن في الشمال او الجنوب للانفصال
يدعو ليؤجج في روح اخوانه الانتشار والاندثار

لا لانه يريد التنصل من اجل انفصال
بل لانه يريد التنصل من الحقارة والإِنذال
ويجدد وحدة اوطانه في الارحام من الامعاء والافصال والانصال
ليعيد ترتيب بيته باصابعه وسواعده وعقله وقلبه للابطال

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Yemen: General Saleh's Janjawid Tribal-Police Shooting at Demonstrators ?

The turbulent Government of Ali Saleh wants to quash the aspirations of millions for an equal, just and corrupt-free nation. For the last 100 years tribal and military powers have been ruling over Arabia. The Yemeni people are a multi-cultural race, living in arid deserts and green mountains have a natural instinct for individual freedoms and economic independence. 27 Years of political negotiations with squandering tribal hoodlums camouflaged in military uniforms is coming to nothing. Over the years Yemeni people have immigrated as far as to Asia, Africa, Europe and America. During the First Gulf War, the neighboring tribes of al-Saud, al-Sabah and other gulf tribes deported (1) all the Yemeni immigrants living in their territories. Yemen has been indignantly relying on scarce international aids. Yemenis will accept no less than a Islamic nation-state. Saleh’s regime is still holding on to the last days of its tribal and military rule over a multi-cultural and revolutionary world citizens who have proved to be self-disciplined under the harshest conditions wherever they exist. The Yemeni people have ties across the globe and are well adept in Jihad and Internationalism against all kind of oppressors. The Yemen Times , International Herald Tribune and Yemen Observer (?) have the latest …

(Please email
any leads to credible articles, reports, related discussions and audio-visuals concerning the state of public affairs in Yemen, or any Arab country.)

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Why Muslims are Oppressed, Poor, Illiterate, in Wars, Sick, and Hungry ?

"This is disgusting: these oil-sheiks wouldn't think of setting up foundations, of helping their uneducated population (which they want to keep that way). Bill Gates, Warren Buffet are the wealthiest men in the world: never would they even dream of something so foolish. But they're American and Occidental
Posted at 7:04AM on Nov 14th 2007 by Georges Clermont
Please help us develop two more sites with your stories go to Arabia and Aden Times

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Pakistan: Praise the Lawyers

"It's not often that we see an angry mob of lawyers take to the streets in protest, risking beatings, tear gas and arrest. Yet that is precisely what is unfolding in Pakistan, where thousands of lawyers swarmed the streets of Lahore, Rawalpindi, Karachi and Multan to protest the erosion of the rule of law after President Pervez Musharraf declared emergency rule in an attempt to squelch public protests. The military leader has also put the constitution on ice and rendered the future of upcoming elections uncertain." Source: Seattle Post Intelligencer
Do you have a story with pictures from your community?
Tell us about it. Write to
Go and visit Aden Times and Arabia. Help us tell the truth from your own perspective.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

The Press on Journalists Sami al-Haj, and Tayseer Alouni

Sami al-Haj: Prisoner 345

Sami Al-Hajj, prisoner 345 at the United States Detainment Centre in Guantanamo Bay Cuba, has been on hunger strike since 7th January, 2007.

Sami was arrested in Pakistan in December 2001 whilst travelling with a legitimate visa to work in Afghanistan as a cameraman for Al Jazeera. But he is being held as an ‘enemy combatant’. is dedicated to empowering Sami’s family, friends and colleagues, together with all supporters of human rights around the world, in the campaign to set him free. Source: Prisoner 345

"This is why, on my behalf and on behalf of my colleagues all over the world, I ask for the immediate release of all imprisoned and abducted journalists and media people: Sami Al-Haj, Tayseer Alouni, BBC’s correspondent in Gaza, Alan Johnston, and many others." Wadah Khanfar

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Yemen: Nation-Wide Demonstrations

In many parts of Yemen are quite often few demonstrations that are protesting the military and tribal rule. There has hardly been any international news coverage about these events (1) . Meanwhile there are many civilians who have been shot and got killed in these protests by the military forces.

The 30 year-old regime of Ali Saleh, his powerful politicians, the military, and hired tribal-militia thugs are constantly committing atrocities of a criminal and corrupt nature against the Yemeni People, their property, methods of living, life-style, interests, well-being, security and freedoms.

The Allied Parties Coalition/APC (Liqa Ahzab al-Mushtarq)
(2) is the opposition body that is representing all oppositions to the government. The APC has frequently expressed regret that despite the peaceful nature of the on-going complaints the security forces are continuing to shoot at marching activists. Many civilians as a result have been killed during the security forces attacks on these civilians every time there is a demonstration.

While Local and regional media outlets
(3) are presenting the wrath of the Yemeni populations as if though it is merely an anger over the constantly rising inflation in the country the truth goes deeper than what is being presented. What causes these popular agitations is the devastating hunger and growing poverty, low standards of living, highly priced commodities, the lack of cash to buy basic staples, and the fact that unemployment rate is at 60% high. What is also more important are the facts that the majority of the population is demoralized, disturbed and feel hopeless of the Saleh's regime top-to-bottom and mischievous reforms.

The dictatorship of Ali Saleh continues its inhumane practices and atrocities against the protesters’ dissatisfaction and restlessness. However, if the government continues to clamp on these civilians in its militant fashion, restlessness will escalate and the regime
(4) will find its structure gradually falling apart, especially if Ali Saleh himself is not willing to recognize the Yemeni People's rage and let reforms happen from the ground up -- not from his usual top-to-bottom constantly failing approach. One way to let the people make grass-root changes toward these reforms is to let them voice their resentment and grievances in all forms possible without governmental interference or even stopping them. Ali Saleh (5) and his powerful elites must pay careful attention to the serious initiatives of the credible Allied Parties Coalition (Liqa Ahzab al-Mushtarq) before it is too late.

(Please email any leads to credible articles, reports, related discussions and audio-visuals concerning the state of public affairs in Yemen, or any Arab country.)

Have you seen Aden Times and Arabia. Go and visit. Report your stories with photos. Help us help you put the truth the way you see it.

(1): Willisms
(2): Yemen Times (3): al-Jazeera (4): (a) You Tube (b) You Tube (5)The Clown

Deliveries of the aircrafts for Yemenia will start in 2012

Yemenia/Yemen Air Ways Adds 10 Buses of the A350 to its Fleet

Source: Air Bus

Source: Engineering News Record

Hot News off the Wire:

The Dubai Middle East Development Corporation issues notice to Launch the Red Sea Crossing: The Yemeni-Djibouti Bridge coming soon to a city near you!

Mohamad Qahtan:

President Saleh "solves only his problems and gets him out of the impasse with the public issues after latest price hikes, but does not solve problems of people".
Source: newsyemen

October 23, 2007- Dallas,Texas- USA: "No Conviction In Muslim Charity"

"I thought they were not guilty across the board," said Neal, a 33-year-old art director from Dallas. The case "was strung together with macaroni noodles. There was so little evidence."

"This is a stunning setback for the government," said a former U.S. attorney, Matthew Orwig. "There is absolutely nothing positive in that verdict today for the government."

Source: David Koenig, Associated Press, San Francisco Chronicle

Commerce: Aden Times is the Crater Tower to the World at Your Service.

What can you sell ? What can you make ? Do you have a nice property, or oasis that could be turned into a hotel or resort ? Affordablly modern family housing units for the recently married? High rises for single and upwardly global wokers and students ?

Come on let's make living in Aden and all of Yemen one of the most attractive life-styles in the region? Partner with Aden Times and will provide you with the the know-how! It's a two ways win-win situation! Let's make Arabia Felix the land of opportunity where nothing is impossible.

Aden Times' mission is to help make every Yemeni living a healthy life-style with the best education money can buy with Yemeni resources and home grown creativity. Aden Times shall provide every living soul living in Yemen with the means to success everyday ! All you have to do is to help us so we can help you!

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